During the winter, spray foam insulation acts as a barrier, stopping heated air from escaping and helping to keep your home cozy. This reduces heating bills significantly and makes your home more comfortable. The same is true for summer; by blocking the transfer of hot outdoor air, your AC system doesn’t have to work as hard to cool your home. This helps to lower cooling bills significantly as well.

Strategic Spray Foam Insulation, LLC also creates an air seal, which stops cooled and warmed air from moving through your home, making it quieter and more comfortable. This is particularly important in rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms where you can hear unwanted noise coming from the outside walls. Spray foam will also prevent ice dams in the attic by sealing and insulating the roof deck. This prevents cold air from flowing up into the attic space, where it will combine with warm air to form ice dams on the roof.

Maximizing Energy Efficiency: The Role of Spray Foam Insulation

Both open and closed-cell spray foam insulation are highly water resistant. This is an important feature because it will help to reduce the chance of mold or mildew growth and can increase the life of your home’s insulation.

Spray foam is a green choice because it is made from natural gas, which has a much lower global warming potential than the blowing agents used in fiberglass. Some of the benefits of spray foam include reduced energy bills, improved air quality and a healthier home environment. In addition to these advantages, it is easy to install and is a cost-effective alternative to other types of insulation.

Strategic Spray Foam Insulation, LLC
3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC 27525
(919) 842-5925

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