Boric acid pills is an odorless, natural chemical compound that has been used as a home remedy for vaginal infections, such as BV, for centuries. It is also an antifungal and antiviral substance that helps maintain a healthy pH in the vaginal area.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection of the vagina that occurs when a person’s vaginal microbiome changes. This change can upset the balance of good bacteria and lead to symptoms like itching, burning, or an unusual discharge.

Many people who have BV find that antibiotics can treat it, but this isn’t always effective for everyone. A doctor may recommend a second-line treatment, such as a medication for yeast infections called miconazole or fluconazole.

Eliminating Vaginal Odor with Boric Acid: What You Need to Know

However, these treatments can sometimes leave harmful bacteria behind in your body. That’s why many women choose to add boric acid to their BV treatment regimens, which can help prevent recurrence of BV and other symptoms.

Using bv boric acid for BV is safe and effective when done in the right doses and in the right way, says Dr. Minkin, a gynecologist in New York City.

One of the best ways to use boric acid is as a suppository that you insert into your vagina. These suppositories are solid oval-shaped capsules that you insert into your vagina and then warm up to your body’s temperature.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using a suppository that contains 600 mg of boric acid once daily. You can purchase these suppositories over the counter at drug stores or online.

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