Originally started on the Fourth of July in 1997, Ultimate Flags is one of America’s oldest online flag stores. This esteemed retailer carries a vast collection of American, Confederate, military, historical, Trump, Molon Labe and 1776 flags, and can incorporate any design idea provided by the customer. The company also provides accessories such as hats, mugs, tags, and more.

Besides offering top-notch products, the company is committed to helping charitable veterans and armed forces groups. Jonica Hough, co-owner of the company, is proud that Ultimate Flags has been able to help these brave men and women who sacrifice their lives for the safety of America. They have helped countless groups including the Sacred Mountain Retreat Center and various regional veteran assistance groups in Florida.

  • Ultimate Flags: A Journey Through Time and Culture

The organization is currently working on a project called “Flags for the Fallen.” They are tasked with making flags to honor every fallen service member. Each flag is made by a volunteer who works closely with the family of the deceased to ensure the right name and unit affiliation is used on the flag. They are then shipped to the family and presented at the funeral service.

This project is the largest of its kind in the world and involves a team of more than 50 volunteers. Approximately 40 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have been honored with a flag from this project so far. The team plans to make about 400 flags this year. Each flag is a double-sided, large-format banner and measures a colossal 19 feet 8 inches tall. It is supported by a telescoping pole and boom for easy maneuvering.

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